Viewers of “Loose Women” were surprised when Peter Andre appeared on the show, alongside his wife Emily, on Wednesday.

Within minutes of the ITV daytime broadcast, fans began to notice a huge black tattoo on the side of Peter’s neck.

The singer has covered some of them with his shirt, but most of them are noticeable.

It was a big dark pattern below his ear on the right side, and fans weren’t too keen.

What they didn’t realize at first was that the tattoo was fake, and Peter had temporary inking in a movie role.

Fans of “loose women” were surprised after discovering a large tattoo on Peter Andre’s neck

As a result, he had a fuller beard, and he quickly explained that to co-participants Eamon Holmes and Ruth Langsford.

But before that, the viewers got started Twitter To see if anyone else noticed the design.

One viewer said, “What is this tattoo on the neck of a house? No.”

Fans of baggy women weren’t keen on tattooing Peter Andre’s neck

Another tweeted: “I can’t stop looking at the tattoo Embed a Tweet neck. ”

A third added, “Peter is still sexy as hell. But no neck tattoo.”

This was echoed by another viewer who admitted: “I just moved on # Free Woman What is this beast on his neck? ”

Peter Andre was quick to reveal that the ink was not real

Comments continued to appear, too, with one reading: “Is this abomination creeping into Peters’ neck?”

Soon after, they were relieved when Peter explained it wasn’t real.

On Tuesday, fans were left confused and somewhat paranoid, after he posted a picture of himself tattooed on his face. Instagram Profile personly.

“Loose Women” is broadcasted on weekdays at 12:30 pm on ITV.