The latest Nobel Prize in Physics may come as a surprise – there weren’t many signs before that these candidates would win it – says Dr. Alexandra Kardash, an atmospheric physicist from the University of Warsaw’s School of Physics, promoter of science, and author of A Book on Water “.
The award was awarded to three nominees. Seokuro Manabe received half of the award from Princeton University and Klaus Haselmann from the Institute of Meteorology. Max Planck. They have been honored for “physical modeling of the Earth’s climate, determining its diversity and reliably predicting global warming.”
The other half went to Giorgio Baresi of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” on “the interaction of turbulence and fluctuations in physical systems from the atomic scale to the planetary scale”.
Climate belongs to such complex physical systems.
Research “winners” on climate models is extremely important and forms the basis for the entire field. So the award is well deserved. This is another indication that climate change is an important topic that is becoming increasingly important to everyone. Research in this area will allow us to better anticipate the future and avoid threats. The Nobel Committee appreciated the seriousness of this topic “- believed Dr. Cardi.
It would be difficult to imagine today’s climate science without the work of the winners. “The supervisory work is fundamental to climate modeling today. Manabe was one of the first to begin research in this area. The results of his work were the starting point for other models. Manabe began his research in the 1960s. In the 1970s, Haselman highlighted the role of the ocean in natural climate variability. He also helped His work also links global warming with human activity,” the expert explains.
Meanwhile, climatology today is very different from the first attempts.
The development of climate models depends primarily on the fact that they take into account more and more phenomena. Manabi started with a single column antenna model. Today, we not only have 3D models of the atmosphere, but we also have the oceans, glaciers, and the carbon cycle. We can better describe the different phenomena and the connections between them. Now, we are moving more and more towards describing not only the global climate, but also the regional and even local climate. It is more difficult because additional factors have to be taken into account, such as the specifics of the terrain or land cover” – says Dr. Cardi. (PAP)
Marek Matakz
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