President Donald Trump’s team is struggling to determine who to tell it lost the election as Joe Biden appears on the cusp of securing the White House.

Biden took the lead in Pennsylvania and Georgia Friday morning as the votes were counted overnight. There is no way to win President Trump without these countries.

But Trump has told allies he will not back down if the race is called for his Democratic rival.

So discussions began about the intervention with the president – who would come in and tell him that he had lost and it was time to abdicate.

Among the names put forward are President Jared Kushner’s son-in-law and daughter Ivanka Trump, both of whom serve as White House advisers. CNN mentioned.

Republicans also worry that the president will not go quietly and discuss measures of their own.

They are thinking about how to break it down in front of Trump because he needs to leave, and they might suggest to him that leaving quietly can do so. Help him, his family and his business while reminding him that he can run again in 2024, New York times mentioned.

Trump is also considering holding a political rally this weekend if there is no final result in the presidential race. times mentioned.

Aides debate who should tell President Donald Trump he lost the election as Joe Biden appears on the cusp of winning the White House

National Guard members stand near Philadelphia City Hall after police investigate an alleged plot to attack the vote counting venue

National Guard members stand near Philadelphia City Hall after police investigate an alleged plot to attack the vote counting venue

Trump held 14 rallies in seven states in the final three days of the election and draws his energy from his jubilant crowd of supporters – a round of cheering he could use.

But he also uses his rallies to attract supporters. Trump supporters demonstrate at counting stations in Nevada, Arizona and Pennsylvania. Somewhere, the National Guard was called in to maintain order.

The Biden campaign ignored concern that the president might not abdicate him.

“As we said on July 19, the American people will decide this election.” Spokesman Andrew Bates said that the United States government is fully capable of escorting the intruders out of the White House.

Biden took the lead in Pennsylvania on Friday morning With 5,5870 votes. The remaining votes to be counted in the state – the largest prize in the Electoral College with 20 votes – are predominantly in the Biden strongholds of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania.

If Biden took over Pennsylvania, he would have passed the 270 electoral votes he needs to claim victory, two and a half days after the polls close.

Here’s how other countries are falling apart.

  • In Georgia, Biden is leading 1,067 votes with about 8,000 votes remaining to count and another 8,000 possible votes from the Army overseas. She deserves 16 electoral college points
  • In Arizona, Biden leads 47,000 votes, counting 200,000
  • In Nevada, Biden leads 11,438 with about 50,000 remaining to count
  • North Carolina has yet to be recalled. He’ll likely go to Trump, but he doesn’t make a difference to the electoral college seat distribution
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Trump refuses to accept what now appears to be an inevitable defeat. Thursday night, he launched a surprising 17-minute speech from the White House briefing room in which he claimed he was the victim of a conspiracy by big tech companies, big money, Democrats and the media.

He has pledged not to accept the final results, and some of his people are asking the country to “fight to the death” so that it does not accept them either.

Trump claimed on Thursday that if all “legal votes” were counted, he would win the election as he accused Democrats of trying to steal the competition “corruptly” via mail-in ballots.

The three broadcasters – ABC, CBS and NBC – cut short their press conference before it ended, warning viewers that Trump had made “a number of false statements” that needed clarification.

Biden also gave a speech on Thursday calling for calm and patience as the vote counted, and once again insisting that when the dust subsides, he will have defeated Trump.

“Democracy is sometimes chaotic.” The former vice president of Queen’s Theater in Wilmington said late Thursday afternoon that it sometimes takes a little patience as well.

So I ask everyone to stay calm, and for everyone to stay calm. The process works. The count is finished and we’ll know very soon.

He also tweeted, “Nobody will take our democracy from us. Not now or never. America has come a long way, fought many battles and endured a lot to let that happen.”

“Keep the faith, comrades.”

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Meanwhile, Donald Trump Jr. gave a speech in Georgia, where Trump is now making a few hundred votes, calling on his father to “fight to the death” and urging him to “go to war” in order to “expose all the frauds that led to this.” For too long.

“Americans need to know that this is not a banana republic and that very few people at present believe that this is not the case,” he added.

On the stage in the briefing room on Thursday evening, President Trump read from a script and recounted his complaints about the Biden campaign, “poll suppression” and “fraud.”

He left without asking when CNN correspondent Jim Acosta shouted at the White House, “Are you a painful loser?” Then his press secretary Kylie McNani had to return to the stage because he forgot to take his notes with him.

End of show: As President Trump speaks from the podium of the White House on Thursday, Network TV after the TV network halted his feverish conspiracy rhetoric

End of show: While President Trump speaks from the podium of the White House on Thursday, Network TV after the TV network stopped his frenzied conspiracy theory

Forgotten and almost lost: Trump left his prepared text, in huge text and scribbled with Sharbi on the stage and it had to be recovered by Press Secretary Kylie McNani

Forgotten and almost lost: Trump left his prepared text, in huge text and scribbled with Sharbi on the stage and it had to be recovered by Press Secretary Kylie McNani

The Damned Verdict: Larry Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, became the loudest voice to speak out.  Adam Kinzinger, a Republican congressman from Illinois, was one of the first members of his party to criticize Trump.

The Damned Verdict: Larry Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, became the loudest voice to speak out. Adam Kinzinger, a Republican congressman from Illinois, was one of the first members of his party to criticize Trump.

Republicans also turned on Trump within minutes with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, saying, “ There’s no defense. There is no person or election more important than our democracy. Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger called her “crazy”.

On the podium in the briefing room – where his only aide was White House Press Secretary Kylie McNani – Trump appeared depressed when he listed his enemies and claimed a victory that no one had delivered to him.

If I count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us.

Trump, whose campaign has filed lawsuits in several battlefield states, has spoken more about the polls than his campaign, calling them “bogus” and “murderous opinion polls,” claiming that pollsters’ mistakes were a deliberate attempt to keep his supporters on the homepage.

Then he turned against his party, saying that it was because of him that there was no “blue wave,” referring to the Democrats’ failure to win the Senate and increase their majority in the House of Representatives.

We won all historical records. And the pollsters got it on purpose, they got it wrong on purpose. We had polls that were pretty silly and everyone knew it at the time. Trump said there was no blue wave they expected.

Trump was not seen for more than 36 hours after appearing in the East Room of the White House at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday in front of cheering fans wearing MAGA hats to announce he had “won.”

The storm of litigation promised by President Trump has raged throughout the day with trouble.

In Georgia, Supreme Court Justice James Bass said there was “no evidence” of Trump’s claim that 53 ballot papers arrived late and were mixed with other ballot papers. In Michigan, Judge Cynthia Stevens has ruled against the Trump campaign to stop counting in order to gain additional access for her monitors. “I don’t have any basis to find that there is a high probability of success on the basis of merit,” she said.

In Nevada, Rick Grenell, the former Acting Director of National Intelligence was sent to announce legal claims that out-of-state residents were voting.

But the press conference missed badly when Grenell refused to reveal his name, reporters laughed at him and then chased him in a truck, refusing to answer questions about what evidence he had.