The documentary is directed by Daniel DeMuro and Morgan P. Two 60-minute episodes are devoted to the allegations of corruption and bribery that have accompanied Qatar’s award to host football’s biggest tournament.
The film will include, among others, an informant from Qatar’s World Cup organizing team, former FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s press chief, world football celebrities including Jürgen Klinsmann and Landon Donovan, as well as Blatter himself.
Episode 1 will feature Sunday Times journalists Heidi Blake and Jonathan Calvert as they investigate corruption at the heart of FIFA. In Episode Two, there will be investigators from the FBI and the IRS whose job it is to uncover criminal behavior at FIFA headquarters.
“The Men Who Sold the World Cup” in October at Discovery +
The Men Who Sold the World Cup was produced by UK-based Story Films and New York-based Calliope Pictures. The Discover+ premiere is set for October of this year.
The executive producers of Story Films are David Nath and Peter Beard, and the executive producer of Discovery is Jeremy Phillips.
The Discover Steam + platform is already operational in the USA, Great Britain and Ireland, as well as in Scandinavia, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Later this year, it will be available in more than 25 countries around the world, incl. Brazil and some Asian countries.
The Discover+ service will be made available in Poland as part of the player platform.