Pyotr Soberazky

Until March 17th, you can submit your ideas for solving a specific challenge under seven thematic areas of the Silesian Innovation Space Project. Those selected for the competition will receive a grant of up to 95,000 PLN for the development and implementation of the project.

Two projects relate to the implementation of challenges in Fabryka Penej Życia. The first is a project to operate the factory workshop taking into account the needs of local craftsmen. The second is the development of an innovative housing solution based on a common decision on the space designed by the young population.

The competition for the most interesting social innovations in the province of Silesia is being conducted as part of the Silesian Innovation Space project by the Cooperation Fund Foundation and the Center for the Development of Social Initiatives CRIS and co-financed by the European Social Fund.

It is a 3-year project that aims to engage residents of the region in solving the problems they face daily and inculcate the belief that innovations are often simple solutions within their capabilities. The project will be implemented by supporting 40 ideas, the implementation of which may allow for a faster, more effective and efficient solution of social problems. The goal will be achieved by operating a social innovation incubator operating in the Silesian province.

The incubator will search for potential innovators, reach them and encourage them to participate in the project, and provide technical, organizational, technical and financial support in the form of a grant. The incubation will be implemented according to the service design methodology used to develop modern public services and business solutions.

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