At the beginning of June, the majority of members of the Czech House of Representatives voted for women to be able to choose the surname they want. To date, the daughter or wife of Novak took the nickname Novakova (similar to the famous Czech singer Helena Vondarakova). There were a few exceptions to this rule. Only foreigners, Czechs permanently residing abroad or foreign wives are entitled to apply for titles without end.

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Czech Republic. Change in the endings of female surnames. It’s time for a decision by the Senate

The proposal to amend the law was made by the former Minister of Justice, Helena Valkova, who believes that such names deepen the inequality between women and men. – It can lead to silly situations. She asserted, for example, that Czech women residing in Slovakia might have their surnames in the record book in male form, while residents of the Czech Republic could not make such a choice.

Supporters of the change assert that in some countries, Novak and Novakova may be confused for people who are completely unrelated to them.

The bill will now go to Senate The portal said it is expected to be voted on without much difficulty