The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published its findings based on a national study of more than 3,600 adults who were hospitalized with Covid-19 between March and August. The results of the analysis showed that Moderna was 93 percent effective, while the Pfizer vaccine provided 88 percent. Protection from hospitalization, Johnson & Johnson 71 per cent.

The study included adults who did not have immune disorders.

It was announced by a panel of experts in a weekly report by the Centers for Disease Control. The experts concluded that while the data suggest some differences in the level of vaccine efficacy, All approved in America provide significant protection against hospitalization from COVID-19.

low immunity

“[The researchers found]that the biggest difference between Moderna’s vaccine and the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine was due to reduced immunity about four months after the second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine.

CNN reports.

He also adds, citing a team of researchers, The disproportion may also be due to the higher mRNA content of the Moderna vaccine, differences in time between doses (3 weeks for Pfizer-BioNTech vs 4 weeks for Moderna) or possible differences between groups of people who received the vaccine, which is not included in the analysis.

The effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 91 percent. After a period of 14 to 120 days after taking the second dose, but decreased significantly (to 77%) after more than 120 days”

Team values.

CNN explains that vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use a genetic material called messenger RNA to provide immunity. However, they use different dosages and slightly different formulas. The Janssen vaccine, which is owned by Johnson & Johnson, uses an inactivated cold virus called adenovirus to transmit genetic instructions into the body.

Analysis had limits

The researchers also admit that their analysis had some limitations.

“It did not include children, immunocompromised adults, or the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine in non-hospital conditions,” he added.

The team said. Furthermore, the volunteers were only followed for 29 weeks.

Source:, PAP