The Test and Tracking Manager defends the system and says the audience needs to improve on following the instructions
Baroness Dido Harding, head of testing and tracking, says the public needs to improve in following basic measures to prevent coronavirus such as washing hands, Sky Business correspondent Paul Kelso writes.
She also told the annual conference CBI that her controversial testing program is only part of the solution to tackling the pandemic, and that she does not know how many tests her foundation will be able to process by spring.
“There is no magic bullet to tackle COVID,” she said. “Hands and face and space, we need to get better at that, testing and tracking will improve, but these two elements alone will not be enough. We will need a comprehensive test of the true scale, and a vaccine will come.”
Asked about how many tests will be conducted by March as part of the prime minister’s ambition for a comprehensive “shoot-through” test program, the former CEO of Talk Talk said, “I don’t know … it’s too early to give you a sense of scale and possibilities as far away as Spring.” “.
Testing and traceability has been mandated by issues since its inception, including the September supply crisis and the failure to increase the percentage of people whose effects were proven.
Baroness Harding He insisted that performance had improved, saying that tests were available on all platforms “anywhere in the country on any day of the week,” and hinted that the failure to track more connections was due to higher standards.
“Contact tracking is stubbornly stuck at 80%, but we have set high standards in England,” she said. “For example, we call everyone in the same household, and I know this is a problem for people who consider everyone in the household a contact.
“And we’re really hard on ourselves. When we email you, we don’t consider that you’ve been contacted unless you reply to our email.