In Great Britain there was the highest figure in three months, about 50 thousand. Infected people in one day. What is happening?

a. Włodzimierz Gut: – Great Britain moved towards herd immunity, so all penalties for non-compliance with the rules of prohibition were abolished. It was decided that those who wanted to be vaccinated got vaccinated, and the rest, at their request, were given a “chance” to contract COVID-19.

However, it is worrying, because the vast majority of the population in Great Britain is vaccinated – more than in Poland, and yet the number of infections is high.

– But there is still a large percentage of unvaccinated people (almost 30 million – editor). Hence these numbers of infected, but fewer deaths. Compare this to Russia, which sometimes has fewer cases – or a similar number, but in Britain there are at least seven or eight times fewer deaths.

There are also fewer hospitalizations, which reduces the burden on health care?

Great Britain has reached the level of casualties at which the security of the state is guaranteed, that is, the security of the economy and medical care.

Isn’t this strategy too risky in the long run? Those who do get sick may have long-term effects of COVID-19 and will be a burden on health care later.

– Yes, that’s true, but there are already too many vaccinated people, so this shouldn’t be a big deal.

Recently, the Health and Human Services Commission (HSCC) published a report suggesting that the UK’s delay in introducing lockdown after the outbreak was a mistake, as it caused too many casualties.

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– Probably … a good social attitude is also important (as people followed the recommendations – editor’s note), it is also important and the number of deaths has been limited.

What if we did the same thing in Poland and gave up wearing masks, walking away and disinfecting?

Great Britain has about 80 percent. Vaccinated population, Poland – only 50 percent. Then our country would be in the middle in terms of infection between Great Britain and Russia, which has 35 percent. vaccinate people.

How will the fourth wave develop further in Poland?

– The vaccinations are going the same, more and more people are getting the third dose, and I would prefer more people to get the first and second doses than the third. Because the third dose is just a reminder of what the body already knows how to behave in the event of an infection. In my opinion, it probably won’t be 27 thousand. Injured, but we will grow a little more.

Is the increase in infection in the fourth wave mild?

From the beginning, this growth was of a different kind. At that time, the number of patients doubled every ten days, and now we have a 40% increase from week to week.

And the intention of falling?

Young people with milder illness are sicker, and there will be more subsequent consequences to COVID-19 than severe forms and deaths.

France, Germany and Italy have fewer infections than Great Britain – is this due to the fact that in these countries there is not much loosening of the rules?

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– exactly. In Italy, a parliamentarian will not be able to vote unless he is vaccinated against COVID-19, because he will not enter the parliament building.

So universal vaccination is crucial in fighting an epidemic?

– exactly. Then we can reduce the economy at the expense of the unvaccinated, thanks to which – jokingly – we have enough to buy a vaccine for those who want to be vaccinated.

a. Włodzimierz Gut (born in 1952) – Polish biologist, specialist in microbiology and virology, professor of medical sciences, researcher at the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Health.

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