After Bong Joon-ho Parasite beat out the competition at the Oscars last year, the director’s name instantly became more popular. More and more people are interested in new Korean projects.
Bong said a while ago that he had an idea for two back-to-back pieces parasite. At the moment, the topic is quiet, but that doesn’t mean the Korean director is not working on other productions. At the same time, the Korean has been busy writing two scripts: The first is a Korean-language action horror film, set in Seoul. The second project is an English language drama set in the United States and Great Britain.
Bong Joon-ho confirmed he’s already halfway there because one of the movies has been written. Unfortunately, the director from South Korea has not revealed which project he is about. From these brief descriptions that he decided to reveal a few months ago, they do not appear to be a continuation parasite, But they can bring up similar issues and problems to an Oscar-winning hero.
I have a feeling that I am dividing my mind in half, left and right, writing these two scenarios – The director said. Are you waiting for the upcoming Korean projects?
Źrodło: MovieWeb