“Peanut butter and jelly were chosen because of their temperament and appearance, and I suspect they’ve been fortified,” Biden joked at a party on the White House lawn.

The American leader praised the bird names “peanut butter” and “marmalade” chosen by children at an Indiana school. As he added, a sandwich with these ingredients is his favorite lunch dish.

Biden emphasized that the tradition of serving turkeys to the president before Thanksgiving dates back to Harry Truman’s presidency, and the tradition of saving their lives – the presidency of George HW Bush. “It is important to carry on in such traditions and to remember that light, hope and progress come out of darkness, and that is what this celebration stands for,” the president said.

And Joe Biden added that Americans should show special gratitude this year to the scientists, doctors, and “frontline workers” who developed and gave vaccines to people.

Thanksgiving, commemorating the first harvest of the English colonists in Plymouth, is traditionally held on the fourth Thursday in November and this year falls on November 25.