Comedy series “Ted Lasso” is about an American soccer coach who decides to go to Great Britain and coach a soccer team (Apple TV +) on the AFI roster for the second year in a row, and after a break in “Sukcesja” – a family drama that returns to Royów, the owners of interest Media Information (HBO). The top ten includes series such as the detective “Mary of East Town” with Kate Winslet as the detective (HBO), and the musical series “Schmigadon!” (Amazon Prime) or “Wandavision”, which takes place in the Marvel universe.

Watch the video
“Ted Lasso” – Trailer

Artists, reviewers (including “Los Angeles Times,” National Public Radio, “Rolling Stone,” “TV Guide,” and “The Washington Post”) and students make selections in each category.

More information about series and movies can be found on the main page of

Best series of 2021 according to AFI


“Cleaning lady”

“Great East Town”

“Hound dogs”



“Ted Lasso”

“Underground Railroad”


“White Lotus”

'Lord of the rings'The Lord of the Rings is 20 years old. It was close, and Nicolas Cage would have played in it

As for the films, some of them had their premieres in Poland in December. These include Jane Campion’s “Dog Claws” with Benedict Cumberbatch and “Don’t Look Up” with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence (both can be seen in select theaters, but are on Netflix), as well as Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story musical. Among the Dune titles, there was one of the year’s highly anticipated (and longest-running) premieres.

Rita MorenoShe almost quit because of the song, then got an Oscar for that movie

AFI publishes the list – these are the best films of the year


“do not search”


King Richard”

“Licorice Pizza”

“Nightmare Alley”

“dog claws”

“Tick… ​​boom!”

“The Tragedy of Macbeth”

“West Side Story”

Three special prizes were also distributed. The first was the South Korean series “Squid Game” from Netflix. Also awarded were a very personal film directed by Kenneth Branagh – “Belfast” and the documentary “Summer of the Soul (…or When the Revolution Can’t Be Broadcast on TV)”.