Yesterday (January 15, 2021) was held at the Municipal Public Library in Konin, a meeting was held with the author of the book “Bicz and Its Residents” – Artur Lodzinsky, and the interview was conducted by Damian Kruchkovsky – Director of the Konin Public Library.

Author’s meeting with Artur Lodzinski – co-author of “Bicz and Its Residents”

The book “The Whip and Its Residents” by Iowa Shechab and Artur Lodzinski premiered at the end of 2020 and turned out to be another book recently, along with Jacek Boga’s book, “Guslawice. A History Not So Far”, an example of a presentation of beloved places, to which the authors of studies do not return Not only, but most of the inhabitants of these places have emotions. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that all copies of the two books have already been sold. The book can be read on the spot in the MBP reading room in Konin or borrowed at the Municipal Public Library in the Old Town.

– The post referred to a small homeland space, which is Bicz located in the Old Town, and the authors and residents of the village got to know their little home. This definition arose from first-hand experiences regarding this space in the early period of childhood and adolescence. Then it gives the world the impression that it is simple and original, and only years later, we return to nostalgia for its value and beauty. The memories, experiences, and emotions of the country of childhood presented by the authors of the book are a legacy that returned in adulthood and made the authors think and rebuild, which at the same time became a determinant of the cultural identity of the inhabitants of Pecs.

The authors put a lot of effort and determination to recreate the somewhat forgotten world of the ancient village, traditions, customs, and hardships of everyday life. In the literary space demonstrated by the authors, Bicz is “the center of the world to which all other pieces are connected,” including numerous photographs and archival documents from the life of the inhabitants that attract attention.

Congratulations to the authors!
