The video of the American mother named Ali has gone viral – the video has been viewed more than 1.7 million times on TikTok. A woman working under the pseudonym “” shared the eleven benefits of living in Germany.

Why do American women not want to return to the United States? Ali started with two very important factors that helped her make her decision: Health care and lower crime rates.

“Because my kids can go out and play without worry, because crime rates are much lower. Because of public transportation. Over thirty days of vacation a year and a lot of paid paternity leave. Because my son is now bilingual, I am bilingual. Because I save 100,000 dollars on tuition paid to my son. I no longer have to worry about my student loans. Even though I live in the most religious of nations, I am not ashamed of being an atheist.”

“Because I can afford daycare,” Ali continues. “Because my kids don’t have to worry about not going to school. Because my taxes are already going to help other families.”

One topic of great interest is the difference between the two countries’ healthcare systems. In one of the videos on this topic, I He debunked many myths about Germany’s comprehensive healthcare system, including the misconception that universal health care requires longer waiting times.

“The second myth is that the government decides which doctors you see and you cannot get a second opinion. But in Germany you are free to choose your doctors and your specialist. And also the hospital. You are entitled to a second opinion.”

“In the United States, the insurance company will most likely make a decision about a doctor, a hospital, or even a treatment plan. And they control whether you can get a second opinion. The third myth is that the government spends a lot of money on health care. But the US spends almost twice as much as Germany on healthcare right now.”

“The last myth is that the quality of care is really poor compared to the United States. But Patients measure the quality of care in Germany and the United States very similarly. Germany often outperforms the United States in many areas of patient care.”

In another film, she praised Germany for being very generous on vacation days.

“Unlike the US, where many employers try to stay away from giving their employees the minimum amount of time off, in Germany they often give their employees more,” Ali says in the video.
