May 13, 2022, 6:30 p.m.

Three days after its release, Songs of Conquest received its first Early Access release. It offers improvements to the gameplay and interface of the game. The developers have also released an open beta from production.

The turn strategy was released three days ago in Early Access Al-Fath songs Received the first patch today. Update 0.75.3 brings a number of improvements to the gameplay. It also modifies the interface to be more clear and intuitive. You can read the full list of changes here The most important ones can be found in the list below.

Furthermore, Lavapotion Studio subscriber Open beta version of the game (Branch – lit. “Branch”), as the following patches will be tested before they are officially released. If you want to check them out as soon as possible and are not afraid of their instability, you can download this version by right-clicking Al-Fath songs in your Steam group by going to “Properties” and then going to the “Beta” tab. There, select “Public Test Realm” from the drop-down menu.

Patch 0.75.3 for Conquest Songs – Major Changes

  • Autosave is now configured correctly after completing the campaign map. It was also possible to download it later.
  • The AI ​​equips itself with its most powerful artifacts.
  • The battle would continue even if the current unit dies in an attack by blind hatred.
  • He made some grammatical corrections in the dialogues.
  • modified Tutorial messages So that it turns out that some of them contain several pages that can be changed using the buttons.
  • Health bars are now greenAnd not as the team determined.
  • Marks have been added for current unit movement and total.

Al-Fath songs Collecting Very positive feedback from players on steam. You can learn more about the game in the following article by Przemek Dygas: