The world responds to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One way to influence Vladimir Putin is to impose sanctions on the Russian oligarchs with close ties to the Kremlin. Those, including Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, are looking for ways to avoid penalties.
Roman Abramovich’s plane landed in Israel. His yacht will go there too
International media reported that 14 private planes owned by the Russian oligarch landed in Tel Aviv on Sunday morning. They all later flew from Saint Petersburg and Moscow. This is not a coincidence, because Israel is one of the countries that has not decided to join the sanctions imposed on the oligarchs linked to Vladimir Putin and the Russian government.
Journalist Amichai Stein reported that Roman Abramovich’s plane was also there. There is a high probability that the billionaire wants to hide in Israel. The owner of Chelsea has an association with this country. He holds Israeli citizenship, and in Great Britain, with which he has been associated for years, sanctions do not allow him to work normally.
There are more Abramovich connections to Israel. The Russians also own three properties in the country’s capital, Tel Aviv. In addition, according to unofficial reports, one of his two luxury yachts is heading towards Israel. The two ships were forced to flee the ports into open waters after the imposition of sanctions. It is not known whether the yacht will be allowed to dock in port.
If Israel does not join the sanctions imposed on the oligarchy, this may be the perfect place for Abramovich and other oligarchs to wait out the hard times for them.
You can read more about the current state of Chelsea in relation to the penalties imposed on its owner here >>>