Microsoft is entering the holiday spirit a little early today by introducing an “ugly” MS Paint-themed jacket For sale in her online store, Along with a portion of the proceeds from each sale donated to Girls Who Code. The company made Windows XP and 95 sweaters in the past to give out super influencers and fans, but this is the first time the company has sold a jacket directly to customers.
There were briefly three types of “soft-wear” from Microsoft available for purchase this morning: the previously mentioned MS Paint jacket and the remaining stock of Windows 95 and XP sweaters. When we first checked out the store, those XP and 95 jerseys were already low in stock, and as of now, MS Paint jacket is only available for this year. You can check out all 3 items in the gallery below to see what you may have missed.
Microsoft has enjoyed these promotions in the past, even packing their older Windows XP jacket inside a Windows XP-style box.
Since MS Paint comes installed on Windows rather than sold separately, it’s hard to see exactly how this year’s jacket will be packed, but there’s hope for Microsoft’s goofy trend to continue. The company clearly has some sweater enthusiasts in its ranks; Perhaps it is a latent part of the Bill Gates influence?
Whatever the source, the MS Paint jacket is still available for $ 69.99 a piece, with $ 20 of each sale going directly to Girls Who Code from today, December 1, through the 23rd. Microsoft says it plans to donate at least $ 50,000 to the nonprofit from this promotion. In case you’re not familiar, Girls Who Code is a non-profit organization dedicated to getting more women into the computer science field by offering classes and educational resources.
The relative ugliness of these jackets is a moot point (personally I think the MS Paint jacket looks pretty good), but if you’re feeling nostalgic for old Windows, now you can prepare yourself in time for an ugly digital jacket party. Keeping the theme, Microsoft offers too Windows wallpapers and MS Paint For Skype and Teams if you want to look like you are trapped in a drawing you made on your parents’ computer during video chat.
You can buy a file MS Paint Ugly Sweater now And take advantage of a good reason.