A group of “stop counting” protesters attempted to storm their way to a convention center in Detroit where ballot papers are being processed, according to NBC News reports, with guards asking the crowd to return and covering window pizza boxes to obstruct the view of the count inside.
In a video of the incident posted by NBC News reporter Steve Patterson, a crowd of people outside the TCF can be seen wearing masks and phones trying to infiltrate the building. Amidst the chaos, a voice can be heard saying, “There is a woman on the ground, just wait a minute.”
An official comes out and announces he’s from the state’s health department, which is met with mockery from the crowd and a man says aloud, “Oh my God,” in apparent dismay.
In another video posted shortly afterwards, protesters can be seen knocking on windows outside the conference center.
According to th Detroit Free PressAfter a bipartisan group, the anger began The survey monitors were not permitted to enter again Counting room because officials said it was overloaded. Republicans in the group said their expulsion meant that those who remained at home were disproportionately Democrats, while others in the group indicated that Democrats were pushed as well.
Laura Cox, the chairperson of the Michigan Republican Party, described the incident as “horrible” and posted on Twitter a video of the demonstrations outside the event in which the man filming indicated that the mail delivery was “extremely suspicious,” echoing common unfounded concerns this vote via Mail generates voting fraud.
As of 4:25 PM ET, when a video of the incident was released, there were a total of 570 competitors within the TCF, including 227 Republicans, 268 Democrats, and 75 nonpartisan representatives, according to Free Press.
Outside, a group of Trump supporters gathered and chanted, “Stop the count.”
President Recently a lawsuit against Michigan To stop vote counting there, and false allegations of voter fraud and election fairness continued.
Michigan State Attorney Dana Nessel responded to the lawsuit with a statement on Twitter, writing through a spokesperson that “Michigan’s elections were conducted in a transparent manner, with access to both political parties and the public, and using a robust system of checks and balances to ensure all ballots were counted.” Fairly and accurately. “