A Nobel Prize-winning physicist said there was a previous universe before the Big Bang, and evidence of its existence in black holes can still be observed.
Sir Roger argues that the presence in the sky of unexplained patches of electromagnetic radiation – known as “Hawking points” – are a remnant of the previous universe.
It is part of the theory of the identical periodic universe, and it suggests that these points are the ultimate expulsion of energy called “Hawking radiation”, transmitted by black holes from the older universe.
Black holes are a region of space where matter has collapsed in on itself, and it has such a high gravitational force that even light cannot escape.
Such an event may be located in the center of our galaxy; Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Gies, who shared the Nobel Prize with Sir Roger, provided the most compelling evidence of a supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way.
There is a possibility that the time scale of complete evaporation of a black hole is longer than the life of our current universe, and therefore it cannot be detected.
“I pretend there was an observation of Hawking radiation. The Big Bang was not the beginning. There was something before the Big Bang and this thing is what we will have in the future,” Sir Roger He said, according to The Telegraph.
“We have a universe that is expanding and expanding, every mass decaying, and in this crazy theory of mine, this distant future becomes the Big Bang of another age.
So the Big Bang started with something that was the distant future of an earlier eons and it was possible that there were similar black holes that would evaporate away, through Hawking’s evaporation, and these would produce these points in the sky, which I call Hawking points.
“We see them. These points are about eight times the diameter of the moon and are heated up a little. There is good evidence for at least six of these points.”
However, a lot Criticize the idea The existence of radiation from these black holes has not been confirmed.
Moreover, if the infinitely large universe in one existence were to become an infinitely small universe in the next existence, then all the particles would be required to lose their mass as the universe ages, an idea it also has It was met with skepticism.
According to standard cosmology, the universe underwent a short expansion or “inflation” after the Big Bang, which would have removed the anomalies in the universe’s structure.
In response, Sir Roger said that black holes have also been ignored as only existing in mathematics, until they are proven to exist in reality.
“People were very skeptical at the time, it took a long time before black holes were accepted … and I think their significance, I think, is only partially appreciated,” she says. BBC.