• June is the month of gas pipeline renewals. You might think when you look at what Gazprom has been doing lately, cutting gas exports to Europe
  • The renovations strangely coincided with the visit of the presidents of Germany, Italy and France to Ukraine and offer the status of a member of the European Union to the country attacked by Russia.
  • France has not received oil from Gazprom since this week, Italy is getting half, and Germany is 40 percent.
  • More such information can be found on the home page of Onet.pl

Gazprom said the “Turecki Potok” (TurkStream) gas pipeline needs revamping. He said on Twitter that it was The renewal is planned, accepted by all shareholders, and will take place between June 21 and 28 this year.

Turkish Stream was launched in November 2018. It supplies gas not only to Turkey, but also to Bulgaria and North Macedonia. As a reminder, Russia no longer sells gas to BulgariaBecause she refused to pay in rubles.

leave stream

leave stream

Wikimedia/Public Domain

The problem is that in the past week there was a lot of information about a similar “firepower” and it affected a significant reduction in transmission to Europe, and therefore prices. Gas exchange rate for Europe in Dutch contract quotations in just one week It jumped from 82 euros per megawatt-hour to 124 euros, or 51 percent.

    Dutch gas contracts for July delivery

Dutch gas contracts for July delivery


Putin is playing

If anyone suspected that Vladimir Putin was primarily interested in the escalation of prices for Russia’s main export products, he recently had several arguments in support of this thesis. When it turned out that the trend of gas prices was declining, it suddenly turned out that gas could not be transported through several gas pipelines at once in the required quantities.

However, the reason may not only be the desire to increase prices. The President of Russia can punish not only Italy, but also Germany Regarding the recent visit of Chancellor Schulz to Kyiv, with Prime Minister Draghi and Presidents Macron and Yohannes. Ukraine is getting Candidate status for EU membershipAt least this is the European Commission’s recommendation.

on Friday Italian fuel concern ENI This is compared to the daily requirement of 63 million cubic metres. Gazprom announced that it will supply 50 percent. raw materials.

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Gazprom sent the Italian side on Thursday 65 percent. Daily demand, and on Wednesday the reduction was another 15 points. Percent The Italian government said it was making efforts to reduce the country’s dependence on Russian gas. It is looking for sources of raw materials mainly in Africa. In recent months, agreements to increase supplies have been signed with countries including Algeria, Angola and Congo. Israel also made an announcement about the handovers.

From On June 15, Gazprom announced that Deliveries to France halted. Now the cuts also apply to Germany. Officially for technical reasons.

Germany will get 40 per cent.

On Monday, the German regulator of markets including energy and gas BNetzA reported that the gas flow through Nord Stream 1 is currently at a level of 142 million cubic metres. While the normal value in recent months was at the level of 165 million cubic meters.

He emphasized that this was the result of cutting off supplies to Danish Orsted and Dutch GasTerry, which refused to comply with the ruble payment scheme. BNetzA also noted that the situation with the gas supply in Germany is normal and stable – the PAP wrote. However, on Tuesday it turned out that it is not good.