Messenger now lets you use the new feature. Meta has announced the introduction of text commands similar to those we know from other messengers. It will mainly affect communication in group chats.

Messenger has received a new feature that should clearly affect communications in group chats. It is about processing text commands. This solution is well known, for example, to users of Discord.

It is one of the most important commands that can actually be used by everyone. As you might imagine, it allows you to send a notification to all members of a group chat, so that you can forget to mention each one of them manually. Anyone who has had to contact dozens of people in the past, to call each one individually, will be grateful for the introduction of the new feature.

Messenger received text commands
Image source: meta

Messenger received text commands

The second important option is /silent, which is the exact opposite of the previous one. Thanks to it, no one will receive a notification of the sent message. On Official Blog Messenger, as an example of its use, is to communicate with people from a different time zone. In such a situation, it is easy to accidentally wake someone up in the middle of the night due to a trivial matter.

/ Pay is an order that users will receive soon messenger in the United States. Owners of iOS and Android devices will be able to make it easy to settle accounts with each other.

Equipment owners an Apple They will also be able to enjoy three less important commands which, however, can come in handy. The first is / gif, which allows you to open the gif section. The other two allow the use of classic symbols. It’s about /tableflip, which will insert “(╯° □°) ╯︵ ┻━┻” in the symbol text and / ignore corresponding to “¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯”