The premiere of GTA: The Trilogy The Definitive Edition is accompanied by major problems – the set has been pulled from the PC, and the Transformers are criticized for technical and graphics errors. Some unsatisfied players now want their money back for the set.

Internet users are asking Rockstar Games for technical support on Twitter about the possibility of refunding the money spent on the trilogy. Some stimulate demand by the fact that updated products still cannot run on PCs.

However, buyers of console versions also want a refund. San Andreas freezes on Xbox Series X every time I restart a task from a checkpoint. Download the game but the character can’t move?? – Complain about CyberMistt.

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Internet users are directed to the Rockstar Games support page where they can apply for a monetary donation. The problem is that the website does not have a separate category for GTA The Trilogy The Definitive Edition, but only for individual games from the collection.

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Each order must be accompanied by an email address, date of purchase, order number and optionally the reason we want a refund. It is not known when or if the money will be transferred to the players, although the studio has 24 hours to respond.

It was recently reported that the collection is not available on PC due to developers They had to delete the filesWhich ?? Unintentionally ?? Included in the products included in the group.