The development of the so-called high-quality medicine, the construction of a new educational center under the courtyard of the Branicki Palace – these are among the priorities of Białystok Medical University in the near future. This was stated on Friday during the opening of the academic year by the Director of MUB University, Prof. Adam Kretovsky.

MUB is one of the leading medical universities in Poland.

“One of the strategic goals of our university is the development of high-quality medicine, including modern oncology and surgery. In this context, despite the epidemic, the past academic year was significant in terms of planned, direct and sustained investments” – said the rector.

He announced that the university is seeking funds from the Ministry of Health for a “public” university cancer center for the reconstruction of infectious disease clinics. He noted that the largest renovation of the University Teaching Children’s Hospital in 30 years had begun. “The construction of the University Psychiatric Center is progressing very smoothly and we believe that in the middle of next year we will be able to accept the first patients, including children and adolescents who need psychological help, and we will be able to start teaching psychiatry, for the first time, on our own ”- said the professor. Adam Kretovsky.

He pointed out that educating the professional medical staff and serving the community is one of the most important missions of the university. He stated that starting from this academic year, second stage studies in biostatistics and the “Public Health Epidemiology Unit” had begun.

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The Rector announced that there are currently about 6000 students studying at UMB. Persons. For the first year, 1.7 thousand students were enrolled in 16 fields of study. People – a record in the history of the university. Compare that about 20 years ago, the university had about two thousand students in all fields and years of study, so now there are more than three times that.

a. Krętowski noted that in order to further develop the university, it is necessary to increase investments in infrastructure and money for this. He said the university’s “dream” is to build a pre-clinical education center. It will be built under the courtyard of the Branicki Palace. He pointed out that there had been many discussions on this subject in the community, and recently the Governor of Antiquities gave his consent to create the conditions for development and to allow the construction of such an object. “We want to create a functional and modern facility designed by eminent architects, which, while educating the medical staff, will not interfere with the historical fabric of our palace and courtyard” – said the rector.

The rector of the university stated that the quality of education was confirmed by very good results in state examinations. He also added that despite the pandemic, scientists from MUB are down by 40 percent. Increasing the number of prestigious scientific publications. He noted that the university is also implementing many projects funded by various sources, including the Medical Research Agency, the National Science Center, NCBR, the Ministry of Science and the European Union. He stated that in the years 2020-2021 university employees received 24 new scholarships.

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a. Adam Kretovsky stated that the construction of, among others, a Clinical Research Support Center, Genome Center laboratories, a biobank, a preventive medical center, regenerative medicine, a center for molecular imaging and radiopharmacy, as well as a center for addressing the health and social implications of the aging process is underway. He also reported that thanks to funds from the regional contract, Genomika Polska sp. Z oo by 75 percent. With the participation of UMB, which deals with genome sequencing as well as data analysis. “The company is already carrying out its first orders. It has a high potential for the development and support of Polish science” – said the rector.

The President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki sent messages to the participants in the ceremony.

“Reality requires high-quality education from every medical university,” Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska, who attended the ceremony, said, and investments in science and teaching, and MUB is doing just that. He also emphasized that in educating students, it is also important to impart moral values ​​in working with patients, and the pandemic has shown how important they are. (PAP)

Author: Izabela Próchnicka

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