September 29, 2021, 1:48 pm

Yesterday was Genshin Impact’s first birthday. Not satisfied with the event organized on this occasion and with the possibility of winning prizes, the community presented a gift ?? MiHoYo?? Blow up a production review on Google Play, which significantly lowered its rating.

W Petic inform us About that ad?? Anniversary event in Jinshin effect It was very negatively received by the community. Its members were especially dissatisfied with the potential prizes, which were basically limited to 10 tickets received for daily check-in (the real value is around PLN 80). Some players were hoping that the developers from MiHoYo would mirror and distribute the coveted five-star characters. However, it didn’t happen, yesterday, on my first birthday Jinshin effect, the frustrated society conducted the so-called bombing review Portable version of production dostêpnej in the Google Play Store.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  Game rating has dropped dramatically - Illustration #1

Genshin Impact was rated on Google Play yesterday around 22:00. ?? Source: Google Play / The Gamer.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  Game rating has dropped dramatically - Illustration #2

?? ród³o: Google Play.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  Game rating dropped dramatically - Illustration 3

?? ród³o: Google Play.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  Game rating dropped dramatically - Illustration #4

?? ród³o: Google Play.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  Game rating dropped dramatically - Illustration 5

?? ród³o: Google Play.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  The result of the game is significantly reduced - Illustration 6

?? ród³o: Google Play.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  The result of the game is significantly reduced - Illustration 7

?? ród³o: Google Play.

A one-star block of extremely negative reviews means an overall score of 4.6 stars (out of five possible), Jinshin effect Was it available in the store on Android, it has dropped dramatically?? Yesterday it fluctuated around 22:00 between 1.9 and 2.0. However, if you visit the app’s subpage now, you will notice that its rating is 2.8 (for comparison w App Store The game still has a high score of 4.7?? albeit with a much smaller number of opinions).

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the Google Play regulations prohibit false, inaccurate and misleading reviews. Thus, the most negative elements were removed. It is very important that the algorithm that calculates the overall rating of the products gives more weight to the new opinions which are? theoretically?? It should reflect the current quality of the application, and not its state before some updates, which before that did not have, for example, some functionality.

bombing review Jinshin effect go deeper?? The promotional video (see above) that was made available yesterday on the game channel on YouTube, received as many as 46 thousand hoaxes. (98000? Excellent?). For comparison, the previous four films have only a few thousand (5.8K, 3.2K, 1.8K and 1000 respectively). Furthermore, production channels on Discord have been flooded with Qiqi tokens, which have become a symbol of player discontent. To make it more interesting, another old production of MiHoYo was somewhat counterproductive? The third Honkai Effect. A lot of the one-star reviews it’s received in recent days are due to players being unhappy with the event and rewards in Jinshin effect.

victim of the Jinshin effect of the review bombing;  The result of the game decreased significantly - Illustration 8

Qiqi, symbol of the Genshin Impact community’s discontent. ?? Source: Discord.

So it can be said that the problem we wrote about on Friday is escalating. whether ?? and how?? Artists will deal with the demanding society? Submission could lead to further collapse in the future, and failure to act could further damage the Chinese company’s already tarnished image. It remains to wait for the development of invasions.