The draft budget for 2022 does not show that we have huge savings in our pockets. With this tax cut, there was a revelation – Maciej Samsik, an economic journalist from Subiektywnie o Finansach, said on TVN24.

The Cabinet approved during Tuesday’s session Draft Budget Law for 2022Which will now move to the House of Representatives. The draft shows that next year the revenues of the state budget will amount to about 481.4 billion zlotys, expenditures – 512.4 billion zlotys, which means that the deficit will be no more than 30.9 billion zlotys, and in relation to GDP – 2 8 percent

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Samsik on draft budget 2022

– From what Finance Minister Tadeusz Kosinski and his deputy Sebastian Skoza said, we will have about the same tax income as this year. And our deficit should be a little less than this year. After the latest adjustment, the state budget will see a gap of 40 billion zlotys this year. Last year it was 80 billion zlotys, and next year it will be 30 billion zlotys – in a nutshell Samcik.

In his opinion, the government’s plan is to “gently reduce the budget deficit while not losing or increasing tax revenue.” – We try to spend a little less, so we will have a little smaller gap in the budget, if these assumptions prove to be correct. This is a good trend and shows that the government realizes that it is necessary to start slowly to overcome the situation of the epidemic in which we are not looking at how much we spend, but simply saving the economy – he emphasized.

Taxes in the draft budget for next year

Samcik stated that it was announced during the conference that the income from the PIT tax in 2022 will be less than 4 billion PLN only for this year. – With this tax cut, there was little revelation. The official message from the government is that 70-80 percent of us will pay low taxes, but the draft budget for next year does not show that huge savings will remain in our pockets – the journalist noted.

“Even if some pay a little bit less tax, that tax reduction will be offset by much higher inflation, which is the biggest problem,” he added.

He also noted that the Polish deal significantly complicates the settlement of entrepreneurs.

Does this cause every entrepreneur, especially a small one, to have trouble deciding whether to switch from flat tax to flat tax or to general tax and adjust according to the tax scale? Or are you converting your business into a company? Indeed, any prediction of what state revenue will be from entrepreneurs and what taxes will be paid today is very difficult, because the Polish government has so confused the Polish system that it is impossible to predict how entrepreneurs will behave – he said.

According to Samcik, “Every businessman has many ways of escaping through the Polish system and in most cases none of them will be effective, but he is likely to try different ways and with more or less effectiveness.”

Samsik: Tax cuts were revealed in the 2022 budgetTVN24

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