One room in a manor house owned by Władysław Aleksander Pruszak, which the city rented for school purposes – these are the beginnings of elementary school in Woszenia. The first document indicating the existence of the facility is dated January 1, 1937.

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On August 22, 1953, the then Cabinet decided to join Radom Kapturski, Wasina, and the villages of: Kaptur, Halinów, Pruszaków, Woszenia, Jeżowa Wola, Potkanów, Godów, Malczew, Długoyewim, Gołębiów, Brzustówka and Michaikóis. The regulation entered into force on January 1, 1954. Two years later, the construction of a school began in Waroca – from the Social Fund for School Construction. “Local residents and schoolchildren were of great help with unprofessional and professional work,” we read on the school’s website. – “In 1960/61, studies began in a newly built school building in the Mujahideen. Wośnicka 121.” In 1976-1979 the primary school premises underwent a major renovation, and in 1984-1986 the school was expanded. One suite has been added with three classrooms and an accountant’s office.

In 2013, council members decided that from September 1, the primary school would be moved to the building in the Mujahideen. Wośnicka 125, which formerly housed the complex of agricultural technical schools and food economics. “Thanks to the move to a new, larger building, our school has acquired a large area of ​​​​classrooms and school corridors. Attention is drawn to the aesthetically arranged and safe school space and plenty of green space, which helps to entertain and learn about the secrets of nature” – wrote on the website of the fire department Government No. 25.

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjciIGRhdGEtcmV2aXZlLWlkPSI0NGIxNzY0MWJjOTg4OTU5NmEyZDdiN2ZkNTRiNWZlNSI + PC9pbnM + PHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjciIGRhdGEtcmV2aXZlLWlkPSI0NGIxNzY0MWJjOTg4OTU5NmEyZDdiN2ZkNTRiNWZlNSI + PC9pbnM + PHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ

The primary school building has three floors. “Thanks to participation in 3 Civic Budget editions and the tremendous commitment of the entire school community, we have been able to build a link connecting the school with the canteen, build an access road (2015 edition), and build – a polyurethane roof sports field with running track (2016 edition) and an outdoor gym ( 2017 edition) ”- Write the school history authors.

There is also an outdoor gym and playground. Students actively participate in school theater classes “Smile”, work in the student council, participate in gatherings, chess and sports lessons, acrobatics, successfully participate in various thematic, artistic and musical competitions, as well as in sports competitions . Volunteers carry out various projects for the benefit of the most needy people, incl. Actions: “Help on time”, “Twisted work”, Szlachetna Paczka (participation in five editions), “Pack – Help for Poles in the Borderlands” (participation in three editions). An important component of volunteer work is helping people with disabilities; The school cooperates with the Budujemy Przystań Society, the Hospice of the Queen of the Apostles and Caritas of the Radom Diocese, and is engaged in business to house homeless animals. Students willingly participate in various programs, incl. Eco-school, “A glass of milk”, “Vegetables and fruits at school”, “Sports for everyone”, “I eat healthy – I know more”, “Keep your mind sober”.

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjQxIiBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS1pZD0iNDRiMTc2NDFiYzk4ODk1OTZhMmQ3YjdmZDU0YjVmZTUiPjwvaW5zPg0KPHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjQxIiBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS1pZD0iNDRiMTc2NDFiYzk4ODk1OTZhMmQ3YjdmZDU0YjVmZTUiPjwvaW5zPg0KPHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ

“The advantage of the school is the very good preparation of the graduates and the opinion about the school as having a family atmosphere. Relatively few students, a number of extracurricular activities, various activities and volunteer work, family celebrations and joint trips lead to a good working atmosphere. Children love their school, they go to it voluntarily, and they feel safe, ”we read on the school website. – “PSP No. 26 Holds the following certifications: “Safe School”, “Ethical School”, “School in Motion” and “PE with Class”. The school continues to be highly regarded among the local community, and the effects of working with students encourage parents from other parts of the city to place their children at our facility.”


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