Large heart-shaped containers were placed next to four schools in Biaستystok. Thanks to the hats collected in them, he will help other students.
In Bialystok, at the initiative of Chancellor Joanna Misyuk, the program “From Heart to Nuts” has been launched. In several schools of the city, huge metal hearts appeared. They are cover containers.
The aim of the program is to engage students in environmental conservation Relief activitiesBecause thanks to the collected covers, it will be possible to purchase later, for example, baby carriages for disabled children and teenagers.
– A kilogram of plastic sheeting sent for recycling is about 70 grams. Therefore, to buy a professional electric wheelchair, you need to collect about 7.5 thousand. Polish zloty, or approximately 11 tons of clogs. One whole basket weighs about 70 kg of hats – says Rafael Rodnicki, Bialystok’s deputy mayor
So far, four red hearts have appeared in Bialystok. Set in:
- Elementary School Number Zygmunt Glouger, ul. National Education Commission 1a;
- Elementary School No. 50 Street. Jadwiga Królowej Polski, ul. Pulaski 96;
- I’m Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adama Mickiewicza, Mai. Brookowa 2;
- III Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Krzysztof Kamil Baczyski, ul. Pałacowa 2/1.