After changing hosts in the White House, the Americans set aside Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw 12,000 American troops from Germany. According to information provided by General Todd Wolters, in charge of US forces in Europe, the new Washington administration for the president Joe Biden announced a detailed study of this plan. The new US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, will make a decision in this regard after consulting with the President.

“I don’t know what the decision is,” General Wolters told reporters on Wednesday. In June of last year, Donald Trump announced his intention to withdraw some American soldiers from Germany, stating that, among other things, with insufficient, in his opinion, the government spending in Berlin on defense as a member of NATO.

Donald Trump planned to withdraw a third of the US military unit in Germany, which at the time numbered about 36,000. Some of them were to be deployed to other European countries in NATO. The largest numbers of soldiers were withdrawn from the American garrisons in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate.

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The act stipulated that the US Secretary of Defense must submit a report to Congress on the basis of which it can be established whether such action is in the national interest of the United States. As soon as after 120 days, the number of US forces stationed in Germany could drop below 34,000,500.